Yesterday my family (except my mother) went out to have a "goodbye party" for me. The plans were to go bowling and eat nasty bowling ally food, put-put then Lazer tag. Well in the 2nd frame of the 1st game my dad fell on the lane (because it was too damn slick in front of the foul line) and landed in the next lane's gutter. When he got up he was a milky green color and was sweating profusely, also he could not move his arm. After getting him a drink and deciding that he needed to go to the emergency room we packed it all up and took him in. While we were in the waiting room of the worst hospital ever(warner robins), he started to loose feeling in his whole arm and couldn't breathe.
My brother and I lept into action and basically did everything except for actually causing physical harm to the ignorant desk nurses.
To make a long story short we got him into a room. He had an EKG, CT Scan, Blood work, X-rays and everything came back negative. He had dislocated his shoulder but they have no idea why his blood pressure went down to less than half a normal blood pressure. He is ok now, drugged on the couch watching tv.
It sucked that I didn't get to have a real going away celebration but I am just glad my dad is ok....but 8hours in a hospital is 8 hours too many!
are you excited about leaving?
Yikes! I hope he gets better soon!
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