Monday, June 2, 2008

Interesting Youtube comment

As many of you know I trade recordings of Broadway shows on dvd. Everyone keeps asking me where I get them but basically its just a trading group on yahoo. Since I haven't been able to make any new Vlogs I have been taking the dvds that I have and uploading songs and stuff to my YouTube Account:

I got a comment on a Gypsy revival video that I put up that said this: "this is extreemly illegal, you should take this down right now!!!"

I laughed my ass off bc look around videos, tv shows, movies, video games, concerts, all videos that we did not make ourself. interesting comment from someone that had uploaded all of these music videos that I am pretty damn sure they didn't make bc I am sure that this person is not in fact Avril or Snoop Dog.

we are all breaking the law in one way or another...get over it!

1 comment:

colbymarshall said...

LOL- I'd wager 1/2 of everything on youtube is illegal. Maybe more ;-)